Discovering the best local experiences
An average smartphone has 119 apps and finding content across them is tough.
Discover restaurants, movies, celebrities, and places with just one click. Relcy is a local search engine that embeds your apps into the results.
Relcy hired me as a sole Product Lead Designer to take their product to the next level. Within one year we brought Relcy to all platforms.
How Relcy works, a sample use case:
Jesse wants to meet up for food and drinks with his friends. He uses Relcy to search for "Good Mexican restaurants". He picks one with a 5-star rating within 5 miles. On the detail page, he learns about the location, special deals, and latest tweets. He shares the entity card of the restaurant with his friends. Jesse lyfts there in 7min for $12. Everybody gets there time to enjoy the evening.
Lack of design and branding
The existing product did not meet consumers needs
Limited resources
Creating a seamless search experience
5 point increase in customer satisfaction score
Designed branding & marketing
Facebook ads | Connecting apps | What is Relcy? | Discover / Categories | Auto suggest / list view | Weather icons |
Events / Movies | Travel / Shopping | Chat / Share | Collections | My profile | Apple TV |
All platforms | Trending feed | iZombie | Stars feed | Desktop | Desktop |
Android | Icons | Digital ad spending | Digital ad spending | New years card | What is Relcy? |
Movies, restaurants and artists | Golden state warriors |